For example the video game follows the adventures of original character Dash Rendar, the protagonist of the franchise the comic book centers around the character Boba Fett and original character Wrenga Jixton. One of the major aspects of the franchise is that the main sources don't always follow each other, but each gives information not mentioned in the others. The project was followed by RPG sourcebooks that elaborated on the backgrounds of the characters and the planets mentioned in the story. Their antagonist is the original villain, Prince Xizor, who seeks to overthrow Darth Vader and take his place as second to the Emperor his means is to kill Luke Skywalker and discredit Vader.The term 'multimedia project' refers to the Lucasfilm marketing policy that goes with the release of a supposed new movie: novelization, audio book, comic, video game, soundtrack, children story, trading cards, action figures without the release of a movie. The story takes place between the movies Empire Strikes Back and Return of the Jedi and relates the adventures of the protagonists to rescue Han Solo and acquire the Death Star plans. Shadows of the Empire is a 1996 'multimedia project' of the Star Wars franchise.